Wednesday, April 8, 2009

suggestions - APRIL '09

okay okay okay . i KNOW this is already on the blog . and no one even reads the blog, which kind of makes me sad. :(

so heres a list of past suggestions (okay its exactly the same list, copy+pasted), but hey, we didnt even do most of it ! i just need an idea of what we shall do . what do you guys wanna do ? you name it, we plan it! of course, we'll probably have to head to someones house after each activity to do a bible study . unless of course its nice out and im thinking maaaybe we go to a park and do bible study in the grass . ;) but seeing as its WINNIPEG, its still a very big MAYBE .

the list :

-U-Puttz golf dome, for the more mature. :P
-someones house [that will obviously happen]
-boston pizza ?
-laser tag
-annual campout [obviously in the summer]
-game night
-mall [come on guys, we did that recently, we need to let them calm down first before we go back . you know they called security on us?]
-snow day ! [the snow is gone ! hoorah !]
-water fight [okay so im thinking maybe just an outdoor day . summertimeee . :D]
-picnic !